Sunday, May 31, 2009 @ 11:37 PM
-:: Lying in your arms ::-

updates from the past month =)

Happy Birthday Mushroomhead! =)

scene take 1)

KFC, a cool fast food restaurant to go to...

Take 2)

Some unhappy customers were so unhappy they drew graffiti on the wall.

take 3)

They got so upset that they changed the name to something as bad as the food =(

Today i had a patrol meeting at my place :) it went pretty well... see we all working so hard

but when you work hard you pose hard....



@ 5:12 PM
-Lord Have mercy::-
hi, my name is JJ and i'm at the church aka christian's house. Hii!!!

Sunday, May 24, 2009 @ 3:00 PM
-:: Pain; ::-

I so love the word pain. It brings life doesnt it ?
Pain i can't get enough, Pain i like it rough cause i rather feel pain than nothing at all. The song by TDG is so awesome. Haha so is suicidal dreams, it gives an extra hectic tune to its origin of emo points. You should try it, Life is filled with hurt when happiness doesn't work =D so awesome (: upsidedownsmileyappears*

Lets put a smile on that face =D

@ 9:45 AM
-:: Digi time to change ::-
Hello people,

I'm changing my email to from now onwards so if you guys still wanna connect with me add me (:

Thursday, May 21, 2009 @ 4:06 PM
-:: !!! ::-
I've taken this video off despite its awesomeness because its spoiling my blog


Wednesday, May 20, 2009 @ 2:52 PM
-:: Lies ::-
001. Real name: Christian.
002. Nickname(s): Chen.
003. Age: 15
004. Horoscope: taurus
005. Male or Female: Both.. male
006. Elementary: alot
007. Middle School: alot
008. High School: going to be more
009. College school: Harvard
010. Hair colour: Brown
011. Long or short: short
012.Loud or Quiet: both
013. Sweats or Jeans: jeans
014. Phone or Camera: Phone.
015. Health freak: Nah.
016. Drink or Smoke: Haha. Drink at times
017. Do you have a crush on someone: Nop
018. Eat or Drink: Drink =)
019. Piercings: 1 hahah LOL
020. Tattoos: Soon =)
021. Social or Anti-Social: I wanna be anti
022. Righty or Lefty: Both =)
023. First piercing: 11
024. First relationship: 4 if that was counted
025. First Best Friend: 7 haha Chong Chi Heng. Where are you now la
026. First Award: Never got one
027. First Kiss: sisters barbie doll. age 4
028. First Pet: 15 dogs =) in one house
029. First Big Vacation: God i need one right now
030. First Love at first sight: Neverrrr... Most likely Love at first sound =)
031. First Big Birthday: 8 xD awesomest party ever!
032. First Surgery: None
033. First sport you joined: First was playing barbie doll, is that a sport?
034. Orange or Apple Juice: Orange
035. Rock or Rap: Rock.
036. Country or Screamo: Screamo
037. NSYNC or Backstreet boys: Backstreets back alright.
038. Britney spears or Christina Aguilera: Christina =)
039. Night or Day: Night. I feel more alive then.
040. Sun or Moon: Moon definately. Source of energy.
041. TV or Internet: Internet. i dont have a tv
042. Playstation or xbox: Xbox baby
043. Kiss or hug: Neither.
044. Iguana or turtle: turtle.
045. Spider or bee: Spider. You haven't heard of beeman have you?
046. Fall or spring: Fall.
047. Limewire or iTunes: iTunes.
048. Soccer or baseball: Soccer.
049. Eating: Frozen Yogurt
050. Drinking: Anything sour =D
051. Excitement level: Rarely
052. I'm about to: Call Hong ask him if he's okay
053. Listening to: Pain - Three Days Grace
054. Plan for today: Study.
055. Waiting for: Somebody to love
056. Energy level: 16%
057. Thinking of someone: yes
058. Want kids: I hope so
059. Want to get married: Pray so
060. When: 27 - 35
061. How many kids do you want: 3 - 5 =) dont want my wife to feel pain at all but oh what to do.
062. Any names in mind: Depends until i look in their eyes.
063. What did you want to be when you were little: Singing with the backstreet boys... literally
064. Careers in mind: Profiler
065. Mellow future or wild: Die.
066. Something you would never try: Eating a deers penis. its just plain wrong.
067. When do you want to die: anytime =) soon i hope =D

Which is the better in the boy/girl you like (in the future)

068. Lips or Eyes: Eyes.
069. Romantic or Funny: Funny
070. Shorter or Taller: TALL =DDD
071. Protective or Caring: Caring.
072. Romantic or Spontaneous: Neither
073. Nice Stomach or Nice Arms: Holyshit.
074. Sensitive or Loud: Loud =D
075. Hooked-up or Relationship: Relationship.
076. Trouble Maker or Hesitant: depends
077. Muscular or Normal: Normal please.
078. Kissed a stranger: Nop
079. Broken a bone: Yeah my little toe.
080. Lost glasses or contacts: My insurance cant afford contacts.
081. Ran away from home: Yup
082. Held a gun/knife for self defense: Joker Knife
083. Killed somebody: Someones heart
084. Broken someone's heart: ^ refer up there ^
085. Had your heart broken: =) You would know
086. Been arrested: Almost. But got demerited for laughing instead =.=
087. Cried when someone died: I miss him.
088. Liked a friend more than a friend: -----
089. Yourself: Nope. I dont like me.
090. Miracles: Hope so.
091. Love at first sight: Sound at first soundwave?
092. Heaven: I don't think i'll be accepted.
093. Santa Claus: My dad was him once. Thought he could fool me =.= i know its you! i know where you live kay! its the room right infront of mine!
094. Tooth fairy: CAmera was under my pillow =) Gotcha moM!
095. Kiss in the first date: Nope
096. Angels: definately =D

Answer Truthfully

097. Is there 1 person you want to be with right now?: Yup. A first Class chef.
098. Are you seriously happy with where you're in life now? : Never.
099. Do you believe in God? : Definately no doubt.
100. Post as 100 truths and tag 6 people : no

1. Anyone who's bored

Tuesday, May 19, 2009 @ 7:29 PM
-:: Folio ::-
Kajian Tentang Kehidupan Saya







press up


Senarai Kandungan

look here



scroll down



go down


Objektif Kajian

down down


Kawasan Kajian



Kaedah Kajian



Dapatan Kajian

8.1 Rm 1

8.2 Faktor yang Mempengaruhi Saya

8.3 Fungsi Saya

8.4 Masalah Saya

8.5 Langkah Mengurangkan Masala Saya

going down swinging



down again










saya ingin berucap ribuan terima kasih kepada Di di magic box yang sedang dijual di luar sekolahku pada setiap masa


She sells sea shells' at the seashore and the sea shells' that she sells are seashore shells'

Objektif Kajian

  • Mengenalpasti saya

Kawasan Kajian

Kawasan yang dipilih oleh saya adalah di depan komputer.

Kaedah Kajian

  • Membuktikan saya seorang jakun

Dapatan Kajian

Rm 1.

1 ringgit merupakan cukup untuk membeli 2 Didi Magic Box

Faktor yang mempengaruhi Saya

Bentuk muka saya

Fungsi Saya

Tidak mempunyai banyak kegunaan tetapi tahan lama seperti Gunung Tahan

Masalah Saya

Terlalu Gemuk, Gendut dan Buyot
Langakah Mengurangkan Masalah Saya

Beberapa tempat sperti Fitness First, Celebrity Fitness dan MacDonalds telah disediakan untuk menguruskan saya.


Bedasarkan kajian saya, saya telah membuat beberapa rumusa dalam kawasan kajian saya di depan Komputer saya. Tetapi saya amat bosan dan lapar.


Anak Buah Saya yang sangat comel


Folio Geografi yang baru siap saya


As you can see i just finished my geo folio =D i'm so happy

Friday, May 15, 2009 @ 4:16 PM
-:: Kill the Emo boy ::-
Well this here is a little crazy

i recieved 5 more demerits thanks to our new ketua kelas -.- and just right after one week i have to sit for their mid year exams =( how i wish i was back in tropicana.

Tuesday, May 12, 2009 @ 5:16 PM
-:: Bila Rindu ::-
Battery Dying.

i was going through youtube and i found one of the old vids xD

lol so old.. hmmm =)

Sunday, May 10, 2009 @ 12:04 PM
-::The Animal i've become ::-
As you can see from the spams, what i mean from the recent post and the animal I've become. i need somebody to get me through this nightmare.

well anyways I'll update.

I've recently transferred school. Its a huge difference from home back in Tropicana and i don't really know how to take the demerits -.- i got my first 2 demerits for laughing? that's just haih... -.-

I've been sick for the past 6 months. With never ending flu,soar throat, on and off fever and the allergic rhinitis. I have a feeling I'm gonna die from some type of sickness or disease and i really wish it can happen faster cause i rather not suffer -.- somebody just shoot me please. literally. I haven't been able to sing for the past 3 months after i lost my voice. haih seems like every week is another inch of the battery dying. bloody hell empty up already la -.-

and to the ????? person in my cbox.

its about time you start looking for both sides of the story. your mentally and phsycologicly ill. your what most profilers' call Handicap. You find thrill in executing the lies and mistakes a persons made. and if your intention was to hurt me you've scored an A++++. Anyways I'm just replying you in my post is because why else would you want to spam my c'box? for attention. Cause your life is most probably filled with discontented flaws and disorder. And if you don't understand and your gonna spam more at least put your name and email or bloglink instead of a hidden anonymous figure of false courage. If you wanna stick up to me grab some balls from one of your many boyfriends. i most probably filled up your intentions already. woah! you got half a blogpost. claps hands that's a lot of attention. Happy mothers day hope you'll never become one.

I've wasted enougt time on you.

Sunday, May 3, 2009 @ 10:02 AM
-:: Love? ::-
I've noticed that every time i came close to love i backup and give up? i don't know whats gotten in to me. i make it real but i can never hold on? there's something inside of me that pulls the red light when everything seems to be going so well.

i don't wanna be like some guys who get girls like touch' and go. I'm no player. all that you guys think i am. I don't even know why i bother getting in to a relationship cause in the end most of them will become your enemies.

The closest point of friends become the worst mistake of your life?

Is this just hormones? is it what controls us to what is worth to do? with no consequence and fear of what will happen. I estimate this horrid topic to be floccinaucinihilipilificatious.

I hate birthdays, Dreams and holidays. although its inevitable but what can we really do? its just another excuse to celebrate. celebrate what? the fact that we actually came in to this world for what reason?

For this year my theme will be "Chapter Battery"

Just like a battery everything seems to be so perfect in the beginning and what happens when the battery wears out? and what if its not rechargeable? for how long can an unknown model battery last? Am I AAA or just an A or maybe a C? who knows.

Its life and love just verbs ? what happens when inspiration can't get in to you. Ever since this year began i haven't wrote one song. I have no inspiration to write. I wasted enough time dwelling in the past. I'm leaving most all behind.

I'm not saying I'm not appreciative of my past. heck yeah i have awesome friends and a not too bad family. I thank god for them. But when it comes to my own selfish thoughts this battery is draining to nothing.

Saturday, May 2, 2009 @ 11:24 AM
-:: The colder Water ::-
brrrr.... I'm missing trops already!!!!